Not all Chinese restaurants are equally tasty. Choose a nice restaurant - an art, however, and it has its own rules. Master them offer the example of Cambodia, that's where the expanse institutions with Chinese cuisine to suit every taste and budget. Greater choice except in China ...
So, generally №1. A good Chinese restaurant is never empty. It is possible that morning will be almost no visitors. In the afternoon, 5-6 hours before the restaurant is usually closed on hiatus. But from 6-7 pm in the life of the institution should boil: parking clogged and motorbikes, a common room to be filled with people, waiters and managers - knocks and offices (in most Chinese restaurants have separate rooms) snapped.
Rule №2. In most good Chinese restaurants have this dish on the menu, like Peking duck, it can be called Beijing or Pekin duck.Often stand for cutting duck standing right in front of the restaurant on the street, and the chef in front of the amazed public deftly shreds meat.

Rule №3. In a good Chinese restaurant at the entrance is also worth a booth with all sorts of marine life: crabs, turtles, clams, shrimp, lobster, etc. Theoretically, the client can poke a finger in any of the available reptile and gestures to explain how it should be cooked. And immediately the waiter SADC or just bare hands will catch the desired animals suffer and the kitchen, where the chef will cook it the way he tells a fantasy.

Rule №4. Beautiful setting does not guarantee a delicious meal. Rather, the simpler - the better. Correct Chinese restaurant is usually characterized by a round table with rotating top, covered by a cloth or gold-red color (wealth) in the same colors wallpaper.The walls can show off some cheap paintings. On the table, a plain white dishes, possibly with cracks. All. However, the decor is good Chinese restaurant may consist only of plastic tables and chairs in the street.

Rule №5. Chinese food can not be imagined without the sauces. Once you sit down at the table and begin to scroll the menu, as immediately the waiter will bring the soy sauce and vinegar, which looks very similar. If you do not know the local language, it is necessary to distinguish the taste.

Also to each dish served separate sauce for shrimp - with sweet chilli, a duck - sweet and sour, to crabs - acute and so on ...

Before meals bring peanuts, finely chopped garlic and chili peppers, this appetizer - an indispensable attribute of any Chinese restaurant. Garlic and chili are usually added to taste in soy sauce.

Rule №6. Some good Chinese restaurant menu can be in Chinese. Or may extend to twenty pages. What to order in this case?There is a certain set of Chinese dishes that always makes a good impression, even on people not among the fans of Chinese cuisine. This crab soup (in Cambodia, for example, it is called "soup kdam") ...

all sorts of "Dim sama" resembling dumplings with different fillings, including sweet and ...

pork in Cantonese (Cantonese pork or Honey pork) , delicious meat cooked in a sweet sauce ...

noodles, fried (fried noodle) or crispy (crispy noodle) ...

rice (it offers to any dish, so that the book is optional) ...

and, of course, crabs - King evening! They definitely need the tweezers. Even if you know how to be "curling crab" in English, it is not necessary to excel. Explain to the waiter gestures, he will understand!

Rule №3. In a good Chinese restaurant at the entrance is also worth a booth with all sorts of marine life: crabs, turtles, clams, shrimp, lobster, etc. Theoretically, the client can poke a finger in any of the available reptile and gestures to explain how it should be cooked. And immediately the waiter SADC or just bare hands will catch the desired animals suffer and the kitchen, where the chef will cook it the way he tells a fantasy.
Rule №4. Beautiful setting does not guarantee a delicious meal. Rather, the simpler - the better. Correct Chinese restaurant is usually characterized by a round table with rotating top, covered by a cloth or gold-red color (wealth) in the same colors wallpaper.The walls can show off some cheap paintings. On the table, a plain white dishes, possibly with cracks. All. However, the decor is good Chinese restaurant may consist only of plastic tables and chairs in the street.
Rule №5. Chinese food can not be imagined without the sauces. Once you sit down at the table and begin to scroll the menu, as immediately the waiter will bring the soy sauce and vinegar, which looks very similar. If you do not know the local language, it is necessary to distinguish the taste.
Also to each dish served separate sauce for shrimp - with sweet chilli, a duck - sweet and sour, to crabs - acute and so on ...
Before meals bring peanuts, finely chopped garlic and chili peppers, this appetizer - an indispensable attribute of any Chinese restaurant. Garlic and chili are usually added to taste in soy sauce.
Rule №6. Some good Chinese restaurant menu can be in Chinese. Or may extend to twenty pages. What to order in this case?There is a certain set of Chinese dishes that always makes a good impression, even on people not among the fans of Chinese cuisine. This crab soup (in Cambodia, for example, it is called "soup kdam") ...
all sorts of "Dim sama" resembling dumplings with different fillings, including sweet and ...
pork in Cantonese (Cantonese pork or Honey pork) , delicious meat cooked in a sweet sauce ...
noodles, fried (fried noodle) or crispy (crispy noodle) ...
rice (it offers to any dish, so that the book is optional) ...
and, of course, crabs - King evening! They definitely need the tweezers. Even if you know how to be "curling crab" in English, it is not necessary to excel. Explain to the waiter gestures, he will understand!
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