Not all animals on this planet aware that you are the top of the food chain, so when you visit these sites know that you are a very tasty dinner for these animals:

National Park "Manu", Peru

National Park "Manu", located on the eastern slopes of the Peruvian Andes, is an ideal habitat for the jaguar. Large predators in South America quite comfortable in the dense tropical forests penetrated by small streams. Although the main prey of the jaguar - capybaras, it can attack and livestock. Interested predator and irritating tourists who in search of the big cats are taken deeper into the jungle. Jaguar hunts from an ambush on a tree or in the tall grass. In the attack on the victim, he usually jumps at her from behind or from the side, grabbing his neck, breaking the cervical vertebrae and sometimes biting through the skull. But if the ambush and found the victim flees, Jaguar had never been pursued. Mexico, Baja CaliforniaBaja California coast is a favorite habitat of the great white shark - one of the most dangerous creatures of the ocean. By coincidence, the same sites like surfers and divers. So shark almost get dinner delivered to your door. Although attacks ended fatally, not so much injured by sharks in these waters enough. But the chance of losing a limb only incites curiosity eager adrenaline travelers in these parts will not be difficult to find a company that will arrange for a shark feeding and scuba dive in an iron cage. The National Park "Khao Sok", Thailand Want to learn how to quickly treat snake bite or even better - how to avoid actually bite and meeting with a snake? Then you direct road to the national park "Khao Sok" in Thailand. Here you will learn about snakes, even more than would be desirable. In the park is home to the world's largest population of king cobra, which grows up to six meters in length and has a stock of poison is enough to kill an elephant. There is also home to many other reptiles, were killed in the year several hundred local residents. But tourists are almost no danger, of course, if you do not climb into the jungle without an experienced guide. The National Park "South Luangwa" Zambia Although the reputation as the most ferocious animal has an African lion, a lot more people are killed hippos. During the year the victims are 100-150 locals and a few tourists. Brings Europeans cartoon hippo image as being slow and good-natured. In fact, these animals are very aggressive, especially juveniles, have impressive fangs to half a meter long and run twice as fast as a person. Hippos easily overturn boats, but they are especially dangerous at night, when they go to feed on shore. Lake Baikal, Russia Baikal - one of the last regions where you can see live wild wolf, who founded fear in us at the genetic level.Although violent attacks on a person when killed entire villages were far in the past, the wolf is a very dangerous animal, a meeting which alone does not bode well. In addition to the wolf in the woods Baikal is not so easy to meet and lynx, and brown bear. If you ever wanted to look into the eyes of a predator in Irkutsk there are many tour companies, you are ready to organize this meeting. The National Park "Kakadu", Australia Australia's most ferocious predators remains a crocodile, every year, on average, it kills one person, and somewhat his fault maimed. Basically its victims are fishermen, but it is possible to encounter in almost any body of water north coast. The best chance to meet crocodiles - the visitors of the national park "Kakadu", which is home to the oldest and most ferocious predators. Best time to visit - July-August, when the cold-blooded reptiles are most of the time, soaking up the sun. Ordering at a local restaurant steak crocodile, you can get a visual confirmation that the person is really the top of the food chain. The plains of the Serengeti, Tanzania Unlike the rest of the world, where the number of attacks of wild animals has been steadily declining, Tanzania, on the contrary, is losing more and more residents in a collision with lions. More than 600 local farmers and herdsmen were killed over the past 20 years. However, the best place for a close acquaintance with the lions than the Serengeti Plains, think hard, so that the number of travelers attracted by the sight of the bloody feast predators, is growing every year. Fortunately, tourists are protected from attacks by the local population is much better, however, and they do not relax and ignore the warnings of local guides. Churchill, Canada Every autumn, the town of Churchill in Manitoba is filled with tourists who want to take a closer look at the migration of the largest land predator - the polar bear. To deal with a person for a 600-pound predator - a piece of cake, so the city is surrounded by special traps. And on a date with wildlife travelers go on a giant wheel-drive buses, good enough to protect tourists gastronomic interest bears, and get into the bear's paw can only own stupidity.National Park "Ranthambhor" India no exact statistics are not kept, but in India, Nepal and Bangladesh each year hundreds of people are being attacked tigers, and who lived at the beginning of the last century champvatsky man-eating tiger set a record, killing more than 430 people. At the present time, thanks to this beautiful animal poachers in India has become a rarity, but it can still be found in the national park "Ranthambhor." Tiger is difficult to hide in sparse deciduous forests of the reserve, and therefore the most successful trip to the dry winter months - the bright colors of the beast stands out from the dried bushes. The National Park "Komodo" Indonesia Komodo less dangerous to humans than sharks or crocodiles, yet know enough cases of attacks on people have been fatal. Although the huge reptile weight as an adult man looks slow, it runs fast enough to catch up with the man and hurt him with his razor-sharp, teeth. Komodo dragon bite is deadly. In addition to the poison into the wound gets more and more than fifty species of pathogenic bacteria, and, according to statistics, without medical intervention likely to die from the bite of almost 100 percent. Even if you come to see the Komodo dragons, the night on the island itself is not recommended.

National Park "Manu", located on the eastern slopes of the Peruvian Andes, is an ideal habitat for the jaguar. Large predators in South America quite comfortable in the dense tropical forests penetrated by small streams. Although the main prey of the jaguar - capybaras, it can attack and livestock. Interested predator and irritating tourists who in search of the big cats are taken deeper into the jungle. Jaguar hunts from an ambush on a tree or in the tall grass. In the attack on the victim, he usually jumps at her from behind or from the side, grabbing his neck, breaking the cervical vertebrae and sometimes biting through the skull. But if the ambush and found the victim flees, Jaguar had never been pursued. Mexico, Baja CaliforniaBaja California coast is a favorite habitat of the great white shark - one of the most dangerous creatures of the ocean. By coincidence, the same sites like surfers and divers. So shark almost get dinner delivered to your door. Although attacks ended fatally, not so much injured by sharks in these waters enough. But the chance of losing a limb only incites curiosity eager adrenaline travelers in these parts will not be difficult to find a company that will arrange for a shark feeding and scuba dive in an iron cage. The National Park "Khao Sok", Thailand Want to learn how to quickly treat snake bite or even better - how to avoid actually bite and meeting with a snake? Then you direct road to the national park "Khao Sok" in Thailand. Here you will learn about snakes, even more than would be desirable. In the park is home to the world's largest population of king cobra, which grows up to six meters in length and has a stock of poison is enough to kill an elephant. There is also home to many other reptiles, were killed in the year several hundred local residents. But tourists are almost no danger, of course, if you do not climb into the jungle without an experienced guide. The National Park "South Luangwa" Zambia Although the reputation as the most ferocious animal has an African lion, a lot more people are killed hippos. During the year the victims are 100-150 locals and a few tourists. Brings Europeans cartoon hippo image as being slow and good-natured. In fact, these animals are very aggressive, especially juveniles, have impressive fangs to half a meter long and run twice as fast as a person. Hippos easily overturn boats, but they are especially dangerous at night, when they go to feed on shore. Lake Baikal, Russia Baikal - one of the last regions where you can see live wild wolf, who founded fear in us at the genetic level.Although violent attacks on a person when killed entire villages were far in the past, the wolf is a very dangerous animal, a meeting which alone does not bode well. In addition to the wolf in the woods Baikal is not so easy to meet and lynx, and brown bear. If you ever wanted to look into the eyes of a predator in Irkutsk there are many tour companies, you are ready to organize this meeting. The National Park "Kakadu", Australia Australia's most ferocious predators remains a crocodile, every year, on average, it kills one person, and somewhat his fault maimed. Basically its victims are fishermen, but it is possible to encounter in almost any body of water north coast. The best chance to meet crocodiles - the visitors of the national park "Kakadu", which is home to the oldest and most ferocious predators. Best time to visit - July-August, when the cold-blooded reptiles are most of the time, soaking up the sun. Ordering at a local restaurant steak crocodile, you can get a visual confirmation that the person is really the top of the food chain. The plains of the Serengeti, Tanzania Unlike the rest of the world, where the number of attacks of wild animals has been steadily declining, Tanzania, on the contrary, is losing more and more residents in a collision with lions. More than 600 local farmers and herdsmen were killed over the past 20 years. However, the best place for a close acquaintance with the lions than the Serengeti Plains, think hard, so that the number of travelers attracted by the sight of the bloody feast predators, is growing every year. Fortunately, tourists are protected from attacks by the local population is much better, however, and they do not relax and ignore the warnings of local guides. Churchill, Canada Every autumn, the town of Churchill in Manitoba is filled with tourists who want to take a closer look at the migration of the largest land predator - the polar bear. To deal with a person for a 600-pound predator - a piece of cake, so the city is surrounded by special traps. And on a date with wildlife travelers go on a giant wheel-drive buses, good enough to protect tourists gastronomic interest bears, and get into the bear's paw can only own stupidity.National Park "Ranthambhor" India no exact statistics are not kept, but in India, Nepal and Bangladesh each year hundreds of people are being attacked tigers, and who lived at the beginning of the last century champvatsky man-eating tiger set a record, killing more than 430 people. At the present time, thanks to this beautiful animal poachers in India has become a rarity, but it can still be found in the national park "Ranthambhor." Tiger is difficult to hide in sparse deciduous forests of the reserve, and therefore the most successful trip to the dry winter months - the bright colors of the beast stands out from the dried bushes. The National Park "Komodo" Indonesia Komodo less dangerous to humans than sharks or crocodiles, yet know enough cases of attacks on people have been fatal. Although the huge reptile weight as an adult man looks slow, it runs fast enough to catch up with the man and hurt him with his razor-sharp, teeth. Komodo dragon bite is deadly. In addition to the poison into the wound gets more and more than fifty species of pathogenic bacteria, and, according to statistics, without medical intervention likely to die from the bite of almost 100 percent. Even if you come to see the Komodo dragons, the night on the island itself is not recommended.
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