Tashiro on the island, which belongs to the Japanese prefecture of Miyagi, cats outnumber people, and last, do not seem to have anything against it. Between the villages and Oodomari Nitoda was even erected a small temple cats.
The main inhabitants of the island cats became Tashiro is no accident. People on the island of cats from ancient times believed that the members of the family cat to bring good luck and money. There was another reason: cats exterminated rats that plagued the active silk production on the island. Thus, to cats are treated like kings: they are well fed and cared for them in every way, and could not take from the wild environment. Keep cats as pets - it is extremely unsuitable on the island Tashiro.
Despite such a respect for the representatives of the cat, wealth seems to have not visited the locals. If fifty years ago, the population was 1,000 people here, today on the island of cats live not more than a hundred people. Isle of leaves, usually young population due to lack of work and many of the benefits of civilization, so that the average age of the population is 71 Tashiro year.

But perhaps the members of the family cat still bring their breadwinners luck. Thanks to the efforts of Internet bloggers about the unique island found throughout the world, and Tashiro today is a popular tourist attraction. Attracting the attention of travelers, residents of the cat island hoping to save their land from oblivion.
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