Remember spotting a rainbow as a child and feeling the sudden urge to jump up and down, point and shout: “Look, a rainbow!” Well, the following pictures of semicircular, double or sunset rainbows might make you do just that. In any case, if this were a rainbow beauty pageant, they’d all be perfect tens. So heed this warning that extreme beauty will follow and scroll with care!
A double sunset rainbow in McFall, Missouri, spanning a lone tree:

The next picture is an absolute favorite that looks like one of those kitschy posters of islands in a soap bubble, only this one is real!

If that was a favorite, here’s another one:

Time for a little break, perhaps?
According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionay, a rainbow is “an arc or circle that exhibits in concentric bands the colors of the spectrum and that is formed opposite the sun by the refraction and reflection of the sun’s rays in raindrops, spray, or mist.”
Basically, the sun shines onto droplets of moisture in the atmosphere, like rain, mist, dew and spray, and forms a reflection of the sun’s rays. Though rainbows span a continuous spectrum of colours, what we see is a finite sequence, usually according to Newton’s seven identified colours, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. These are often remembered with popular mnemonics like “Richard of Yorke gave battle in vain.”

The person in this picture says it all. Caught in the middle of natural beauty, what would you do? And does anyone else strangely feel like yodeling?

Secondary rainbows are caused by a double reflection of sunlight inside the raindrops. The space between two rainbows is called Alexander’s band after a scientist with the enticing name Alexander of Aphrodisias, who first described the phenomenon.

This photograph of a rainbow in Iceland also demonstrates beautifully that the air below a rainbow is always brighter than the one on top.

Er, well, not always… Notice how in this picture, New York City is under such a blanket of smog that the part of the sky over the rainbow actually looks much brighter.

This photograph proves that rainbows looks stunning even in black and white. Notice the pronounced and dark Alexander’s band between the two rainbows.

And finally, a rainbow that is no rainbow. An upside-down rainbow is actually a rare optical illusion called a sundog. Sundogs appear when a low sun catches the atmosphere’s thin vapour of ice crystals, six miles above the Earth’s surface. The sun’s rays are refracted by the sun and produce something like a halo around it. Often, it appears white but can also display a spectrum of colours, which is why sundogs are often confused with rainbows.

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